Puerto Rican/Hispanic Youth Leadership Institute (PR/HYLI)
The is an innovative collaboration with the NYS Assembly/Senate Puerto Rican/Hispanic Task Force in conjunction with the annual SOMOS El Futuro conference, Office of Bilingual ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ® and World Languages, the New York CityÌýDepartment of ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ®, and other agencies as appropriate.
The overall purpose of the PR/HYLI is student empowerment. To this end the Institute has the following goals for its student delegates:
- The development of leadership skills in Latino/Hispanic Youth;
- The creation of opportunities for Latino/Hispanic students to interact with positive role models such as Puerto Rican/Latino elected officials, educators, and business leaders;
- The creation of partnerships and conversations among educators, business leaders and students, and
- The development of an in depth knowledge of the state legislative process.
The Puerto Rican/Hispanic Youth Leadership Institute consists of 3 main phases:
- Training in regional delegations: selected student delegates focus on identification and research of local issues, study of the NYS legislative process, parliamentary procedure and selected bills.
- Participation in the 3-day Institute: Approximately 200 students from 8 delegations statewide take part in key activities which include team-building exercises to develop inter-regional relationships, a Mock Assembly sessionÌý which is conducted in the NYS Assembly chamber, a student recognition dinner where winners of the PR/HYLI scholarships and other awards are announced and career development workshops.
- Extension and refinement of leadership skills: back in their local communities, student delegates continue to develop leadership skills and put their skills “to practice."