COVID-19 Guidance
Updated Guidance on Driver and Traffic Safety ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ® (6/11/21)
Clinical Hour Requirement for Health Science Programs during COVID-19 (8/28/20)
Administering Technical Skills Assessments During COVID-19 (6/4/20)
Middle Level CTE
Clarification on Middle-Level Teacher Certification (10/10/19)
Memo to the Field on CTE Teacher Certification (7/15/18)
CTE Program Approval
Memo on Process for Approval of CTE Pathway Assessments (8/1/18)
Career and Financial Management Curricular Framework (7/23/18)Ìý
Field Memo on Credit for Approved CTE Programs (11/23/05)
Perkins 2021-22 Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA) workbook posting and changes (8/26/21)
Perkins V State Determined Performance Level Proposed Revisions (3/23/21)
Civil Rights
Memo to the Field on Civil Rights Monitoring (2/11/21)
CTE Data
Additions to the New York State Course (SCED) Codes for CTE Courses (8/18/22)
Memo on 2019 changes in the collection of CTE data (7/8/19)
CTE Content Areas
Construction Code Compliance for Construction Courses and Programs (2/10/2023)
Permanent flexibility in the use of Career Awareness Experiences to meet work-based learning hour requirements (8/29/2022)
Updates to Registered Work-Based Learning (WBL) Programs (1/10/22)
Updated Work-Based Learning Manual (9/2/21)
New FAA requirements for the operation of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) for recreational flyers (8/5/21)
Secondary CTE Approved Barbering Program Guidance (7/29/14)
Field Memo on Design and Drawing for Production (8/13/03)