- Office of Adult Career and Continuing ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ® Services
- Adult Basic ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ® (Welfare ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ® Program – WEP)
- Adult Literacy ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ® (ALE) Program
- Bureau of Proprietary School Supervision (BPSS)
- Case Services
- College Readers Aid Program
- Employment Preparation ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ® (EPE) State Aid
- High School Equivalency (HSE)
- Independent Living Centers (ILCs)
- Integrated Employment
- Social Security Reimbursement Account
- Workers’ Compensation Fund
- Workforce Investment Act (WIA) - Title II
- Workforce Investment Act (WIA) - Title II - Integrated English Literacy/Civics ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ®
- Workforce Investment Act (WIA) - Title II - Section 225 Programs for Incarcerated and Institutionalized Individuals
- Office of Cultural ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ®
- Office of Higher ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ®
- Albert Shanker Grant Program in Support of National Certification of New York State Teachers by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS)
- Arthur O. Eve Higher ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ® Opportunity Program (HEOP)
- Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ® Act (CTEA/Perkins IV, Title I Basic Formula Grant)
- Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP)
- Foster Youth College Success Initiative (FYCSI)
- High Needs Nursing Programs
- Liberty Partnerships Program (LPP)
- My Brother’s Keeper Challenge Incentive Grant
- My Brother’s Keeper – Exemplary School Models and Practices
- My Brother’s Keeper – Family and Community Engagement Program
- My Brother’s Keeper – Teacher Opportunity Corps II (TOC II)
- Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-Tech)
- Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP)
- Smart Scholars Early College High School (SSECHS)
- Smart Transfer Early College High School (ST-ECHS)
- Teacher Diversity Pipeline
- Unrestricted Aid to Independent Colleges and Universities (Bundy Aid)
- Office of P-12 ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ®
- Academic Intervention Services
- Advanced Courses Access
- Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Exam Fees for Low-Income Students
- Allowances to State-Supported Schools for the Blind, Deaf, Severely Physically Disabled and Severely Emotionally Disturbed
- Breakfast After the Bell
- Career and Technical ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ® Improvement Act (CTEIA) Criminal Offender
- Career and Technical ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ® Improvement Act (CTEIA) Services for Nontraditional Activities
- Career and Technical ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ® Improvement Act (Perkins IV) Title I Basic Grants for Secondary and Adult Career and Technical ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ® Programs
- Charter Schools
- Charter Schools Converted from Public Schools
- Clinically Rich Intensive Teacher Institute Bilingual Extension and English to Speakers of Other Languages
- Community Schools
- Community School Regional Technical Assistance Centers
- Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals– (DACA)
- ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ® of Children with Disabilities
- English Language Learner Class Reduction Pilot Program
- Expand Mental Health Services and Capacity of Community School Programs
- Extended Learning Time
- Extended School Day/School Violence Prevention Program (ESD/SVP)
- Full and Half Day Prekindergarten for 3 Year Old Children
- Full and Half Day Prekindergarten for 3 and 4 Year Old Children
- Gang Prevention and ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ® Programs
- Health ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ® Program
- Individuals with Disabilities ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ® Act (IDEA)
- Math and Science High Schools
- Mentoring and Tutoring
- Migrant ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ®
- National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs
- New York State Center for School Safety
- Nonpublic Mandated Services Aid
- Nonpublic School STEM Programs
- Persistently Struggling Schools Grants
- Postsecondary ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ® Aid for Native Americans
- Removing Barriers to CTE Programs for ELL’s and SWD Grant
- Say Yes to ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ®
- School Lunch Programs That Have Purchased at Least 30% of Their Total Food Products from NYS Farmers, Growers, Producers, or Processors
- Smart Start Computer Science
- Special Milk Program
- State School Immunization Program (SSIP)
- Statewide Universal Full-Day Prekindergarten Program
- Summer Food Program
- Summer Food Services Program (SFSP)
- Supportive Schools Grant Program
- Targeted Prekindergarten (TPK)
- Teen Health Fund
- The Children's Institute (formerly the Primary Mental Health Project)
- Title I, Part A - Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ® Agencies
- Title I, Part A - School Improvement -Accountability
- Title I, Part C - ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ® of Migratory Children
- Title I, Part D - Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk, Subpart I - State Agency Programs and Subpart 2 - Local Agency Programs
- Title I, Part G Advance Placement Test Fee Program
- Title I, Section 1003(g)
- Title II, Part A - Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting Fund (Formula)
- Title II, Part B - Mathematics and Science Partnerships
- Title III Language Instruction for English Language Learners Students
- Title IV, Part B - 21st Century Community Learning Centers
- Title VI, Part B, Subpart 2 - Rural and Low-Income School Program
- Title X, Part C - Homeless ÌÇÐÄÉÙÅ®
- Printable PDFs
Last updated
January 28, 2025 - 12:35pm